We always knew that this work would change a generation. Each advisor, counselor and health care professional teaches hundreds of families decision making skills and then they pass it on.
Gratefully, we are watching that dream come true.
~Marcey Walsh
TED Talks
- What we don’t understand about TRUST.
- Why 30 is not the new 20
- Your body language shapes who you are.
- The game that can give you 10 extra years of life.
- The art of choosing.
- Let’s talk about dying.
- A Heroic Narrative for Death.
Deep Survival – Who Lives, Who Dies and Why. by Laurence Gonzales
To understand how to survive every day, check out the mental processes of those who survived while those around them perished. I can’t overstate the life lessons learned and the brain function explained by this book.
Psychological distance between now and later:
- The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg.
- Temporal Discounting.
- Personality Changes Caused by Aging.
In other words, you are brilliant (and so is everyone else). To get ahead and stay ahead in today’s competitive world, becoming strategically brilliant is the key…recognize patterns and use them to leap beyond the rest.